TDS Technology

Enhanced 3D Visualization

TDS has combined world class optics with cutting-edge technologies to produce a far superior image compared to what is seen in analog optical microscopes. Our digital microscope provides greater depth of field,  better exposure and coaxial illumination that allows the surgeon to see more than they have ever seen before. Using our digital image modes allows the surgeon to see beyond what the human eye can see. Our proprietary software algorithms, similar to those in smart phones, provide more dynamic range than any other microscope on the market. The surgeon can see more and better differentiate tissue, which, ultimately, allows better performance during surgery

  • Heads-Up Surgery™
  • Real-time High Dynamic Range
  • 1:10x Zoom Ratio
  • 35x Magnification
  • Working distance: 20-45cm


See tumors and vessels as never before with our fluorescence capabilities. Both infrared and ultra violet light provide illumination in the background so you can continue to operate while in the different fluorescence modes.

  • DUV 400 ultra violet mode for tumor resections (5-ALA)
  • DIR 800 infrared mode to illustrate blood flow in 3D (DIR)
  • Back light illumination (see surrounding area and instrument)
  • AR Tumor Overlays
  • Split screen playback modes

Robotic Precision

Our visualization is guided by a robotic arm that gives surgeons better control and streamlines the surgical workflow. Autonomous precise movements allows the microscope to move without the surgeon putting down instruments and interrupting the flow of surgery. The microscope can precisely lock onto an object and move in a perfect sphere around it to allow the surgeon to see around edges.  It will also save favorite viewing positions allowing the surgeon to recall precise locations on the patient.

  • Increased stability at high magnification
  • Lock on Target
  • Memorized Way Points
  • Hands-free mobility
  • Smooth force driven hand movements

OR interconnectivity

The digital microscope can capture the screen of various technologies in the OR and be shown side-by-side or picture-in -picture to the surgical view. The surgeon can make better decisions and see other technologies such as image guidance systems, endoscope and ultrasound next to the microscope view.

  • Load patient data from hospital network
  • Load 3D recorded DICOM pictures and  videos to PACS
  • Side by Side image capture from Endoscope, Navigation and Ultrasound